Tuesday 22 January 2013

Public Display of Disaffection

1. What are three main points in this article? Support each point with a properly integrated quote

In the article "Public Display of Disaffection", the author discusses several ideas concerning cell phone use. Initially, the author mentions that cell phone use in public causes "discomfort, irritation, and [...] outrage"(Kingston) for those witnessing it. The author also states that the constant use of cellular devices has become incredibly common, now developing into "an addiction" (Kingston) Finally, the author talks about how businesses are resisting this cellular addiction by "prohibiting the use of phones and cameras during meals"(Kingston)  

2. Agree or disagree with each of her points. Please back up your ideas with specific examples.

I agree with all of Kingston's arguments, as I find the most obnoxious thing for someone to do to me, is to look at their phone while I am speaking to them. This happens to me everyday, including today, when I asked a peer of mine which block was first. They unenthusiastically responded with an inaudible mumble, nothing breaking the stare between them and their phone. I also concur that cell phone use is becoming an addiction among our nation's youth. Many people, including my own brother, are unable to leave their phone for long periods of time, needing to check up on it every five minutes. Finally, I support businesses not tolerating disruptive phone calls and obnoxious ringtones, similar to the tune I was forced to listen to at a restaurant, all because the owner of the phone wanted to finish the last of his meal before answering. These new cellphone bans will allow appreciating customers to do their own activities uninterrupted.

 3. When are times when you believe that cell phones are acceptable? How about  Unacceptable? Should schools, movie theatres and other public places consider bans or cell phone jammers like Europe?
 The most appropriate moment for one to text or use their cell phone is when they are in their own home or alone and unable to irritate other people. Cell phones are unacceptable in many public places, such as restaurants and movie theaters, as talking and texting on a cell phone can easily agitate people around them. Their presence also illustrates the amount of disinterest a person may have in a social setting, causing those around them to feel disrespected. Schools should consider stricter policies towards the use of mobile devices in class, as they distract from learning, not only for their users, but the whole class as well. Theaters should consider banning cell phones during movies, because ringtones, people talking on their phones, and even the bright light of screens are all incredibly annoying, and they are also one of the leading causes of movie theater fights.

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