Tuesday 22 January 2013

Alphabetical Advice

An apple a day keeps the doctor away
Beer before liquor and you will never be sicker
Challenge yourself
Do not go to Summerland parties if you are from Penticton
Explore all your options

Fight only smaller and weaker people
Go big or go home
Hate gets nobody anywhere
If she thinks getting high means swinging on a swing set...she's too young for you, bro
Join lots of clubs. Like the Illuminati.
Keep your head high, no matter what happens

LEGO should never be left in the middle of the floor
Make everything you do count
Never ask for advice from people with face tattoos
Oreos taste better with milk
Play for the logo on the front, not the name on the back
Quality is better than quantity, unless you are talking about points in sports 
Russ Manning will most likely have whatever you are looking for
Skate hard, but celly harder

The first movie is almost always better, so really think about whether you should watch the sequel
ranium yellowcake is not food
Vegas is the place to go if you are trying to temporarily forget all you problems
When you find yourself in a difficult situation, just ask "What would Russ Manning do?"
Xylophones are not cool instruments, so do not carry one around with you to impress any females
You can not hoot with the owls at night if you want to soar with the eagles during the day
Zoos are extremely dangerous places for playing hide-and-go-seek

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