Sunday 5 February 2012

Darien Folk
178 Nicola Pl, Summerland, B.C.
V0H 1Z2

February 2, 2012

Captain Draude
HMS Princess Margaret

O great, intelligent and awesome Captain, the most amazing person I've ever had the pleasure of knowing, my sunshine on a rainy day, a rose in a field of daisies:

I respect your authority and all the decisions you've ever made, but I would like to supply some input on our current predicament. I am aware that you may need to "do away with" several students in order to save the lives of the others, including yourself. From my perspective, I would highly recommend sparing my life, for several reasons. Firstly, my father is a very famous, and quite decorated, occupational therapist. I am sure that if you were to spare my life, he would gladly supply you with the help you would inevitably need after murdering several children, free of charge. Another reason why you should pardon me from the students being sacrificed is I will become a doctor. As a doctor, I will aspire to provide you with any medical needs you may require during the span of your life for free. The final, and maybe the most important reason you should let me off of the killing hook is me and my parents are the 97th most wealthiest family in the world. Having such copious amounts of money, my family would happily pay you a monumental amount of money (most likely in the ten millions), quietly of course, for any expenses you may have. I sympathize with you and the situation you're in, having to choose between several lives, but I beg of you, please save me from dying on this day. I may not deserve to live rather than some of the other people in this submarine, but I will change the way I live if you spare my life. I will devote my life to doing the right thing, no matter the situation. Hopefully I will be able to have children of my own, who I will teach to always make the right and most humane decisions as well. Please spare my life, and if you do, I will be a better person because of it.

Darien Folk

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